Target goals of the Talent education programme

  • Improve the range of lessons and courses
  • Improve the skills of teachers
  • Improve cooperation in education between educational partners within and between schools or other educational partners (preschool, primary, secondary, higher education and supporting partners and transnational

Implementation of the target goals

  • Improve the range of lessons and courses
    The range of lessons and courses in schools will be improved by training Primary and Secondary School teachers in using Design Thinking in their lessons
  • Improve the skills of teachers
    Primary School teachers learn to integrate Metacognitive Skills in their lessons
    Early Identification of talented children is taught to teachers and educators of young children aged 2 – 6 years of age.  Teachers and educators of these young children will be trained in early identification and appropriate approach.
    Secondary School teachers will be trained in practical Differentiation Skills for effectively teaching talented students.
  • Improve cooperation in learning and teaching within and between schools or other educational partners
    The Talent Education Program aims to have a positive impact on educational quality. Therefore, the subjects mentioned above are integrated in a goal oriented System Approach.  This van be seen as a learning network on all educational levels