Gymnázium Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše

This secondar grammar school is the oldest Czech grammar school in Brno. It was founded in 1867 and from the beginning has become a source of scientific and artistic life and a precursor of university studies in Brno. Professors of school were usually very erudite professionals, and they often laid the roots of scientific research in their disciplines.
The school gained soon a reputation as a strict and demanding school. Its positive development was disrupted through both World Wars.  Many students and teachers of high school sacrificed their lives in struggle for freedom.

In 1969, the character of the school was changed. Originally a classical grammar school became the high school oriented to math. In 1984, the change was accomplished, because the school was included in the network of grammar schools with a focus on mathematics. This period, which lasts until today, is characterized by outstanding achievements of students, especially in mathematics, information technology and physics. Since 1989,  more than 50 students or recent graduates of this school represented the Czech Republic at such international competitions. Grammar School for several years belongs to the best high schools in the Czech Republic.
Looking back into the past, we can say that students, alumni and professors of this school influenced nearly every social, scientific or artistic field. Among graduates can be mentioned writer Milan Kundera or Art Nouveau painter Alfons Mucha. At present, there is also many ministers of czech government and rectors of universities in Brno, who graduated in this school.

Currently, there is about 750 students in 24 classes in this grammar school. Yearly, the school has about 120 graduates, of whom more than 98% pursues university education at universities in the Czech Republic but also abroad (Oxford, Cambridge).