Example projects


Latin: Agreement between nouns and adjectives in case, number and gender

The students are given the choice: they can follow the normal learning route, with plenty of instruction and smaller tasks, or they can do most of the learning by themselves, with little instruction and figuring out the new grammar for themselves, this case agreement between nouns and adjectives.

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Latin: Relative and interrogative pronouns

The students are given the choice: they can follow the normal learning route, with plenty of instruction and smaller tasks, or they can do most of the learning by themselves, with little instruction and figuring out the new grammar for themselves, this case relative and interrogative pronouns.

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Griekse en Latijnse Taal & Cultuur

Werken met ‘hele taken’ biedt kansen voor het versterken van de motivatie van leerlingen en op het gebied van Bildung. Kennis van het doel (de hele taak) geeft betekenis aan de inspannende bezigheid van het vertalen. Het formuleren van een hele taak kan ook integratie van taal en cultuur bevorderen. Op basis van de eindtermen zijn vijf invalshoeken voor hele taken te onderscheiden: reflectie op taal, tekst, cultuur-historische context, receptie en actualisatie.

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Voorbeelden van lessen Nederlands

Uitdagend gedifferentieerd lesgeven kan in belangrijke mate bijdragen aan het in de praktijk brengen van de uitgangspunten voor de ontwikkeling van het schoolvak Nederlands: het Nederlands als taal en literatuur, bewuste geletterdheid, denkvaardigheid. De leerlingen werken op eigen niveau en tempo aan hun eigen bewuste taalvaardigheid.

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Language - Looking for the underlying meaning(s) of a poem

Pupils have to come to an understanding of the poem, of its underlying message by looking for relations between different words, concepts and the structure of the poem (lesson developed by Judith Nobels - Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden)

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MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES - First language lesson: introducing oneself (Primary Education)

The following task is assigned to the pupils: everyone has to be able to introduce himself in the target language (name, domicile and age) and to ask another person for these. By the end of the class, various dialogues are presented, and the verb conjugation is explicitly given.

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LANGUAGE - ccvc and cvcc words

The pupils (Primary School) are instructed to make a memory game, with sets of two cards belonging together (picture and word.) They can only choose pictures of ccvc and cvcc words, such as flood and word.

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Translation Latin Texts

Example lesson series of 3 or 4 lessons: how to implement whole task first / made to measure on lessons about translations. Developed by Otto Gradstein.

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First lesson Modern Foreign Languages

Lesson about introducing yourself in a lesson foreign language with made-to-measure adaptive support.

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STEM Subjects

Heat transport

Whole Task first lesson Physics for students 13 years developed by Hans van Bemmel (Gymnasium Leiden). The lesson stems form different perspectives on Physics and on Education and aims on different levels of Bloom's taxonomy.

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Mathematics - Functions and Graphs

Whole Task fist lesson drawing graphs of linear, quadratic, exponential and goniometric functions from their formulas. Lesson developed by Tomáš Nečas (Brno)

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Mats: How to solve quadratic equations (13-14 years)

How to solve quadratic equations (13-14 years) The students learn two strategies to solve simple quadratic equations: 1. Reduce the equation to X2 = number 2. Reduce the equation to A ∙ B = 0 so A=0 v B=0 give the solutions. They learn to use factorization (not yet the a,b,c - formula). Duration: 3 - 4 lessons. Objective: obtaining algebraic skills. Lesson developed by Marijke Mahieu (Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden)

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The Origin of Life

Origin of Life” is a biological but also philosophical and social science theme. The main goal of the lesson is to get close to finding an answer for the question “How did life originate?” Students will learn inductive and deductive methods of thinking, critical thinking, tolerance and rules of correct discussion, empathising when they will listen to another people. Lesson developed by Iva Kubištová (Gymnasium Jaroske, Brno)

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Biology lesson Heart and Circulatary system

Lesson Biology based on whole task first

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Vakspecifieke uitwerkingen Scheikunde

Per vak zijn specifieke uitwerkingen beschikbaar voor allerlei soorten onderwerpen, vaardigheden en/of benaderingswijzen. In dit voorbeelden katern vind je de praktische uitwerkingen voor Scheikunde

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Chemistry - Electrolysis

Students (16/17) learn by experimental methods the principle of electrolysis. In this laboratory work students get at first the main question, than they have to explain the principle of it. The question is : What is the principle of your experiment? The students can choose an easy, an average task, or a difficult task. They can use a manual for experiments and after finishing of the task groups of students should formulate first (individually) their own and then the common principle of it.  Lesson developed by Iva Kubištová (Brno)

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Physics Experimental study of oscilators

Students learn a typical scientific method, how to do the experimental research of some physical system. At the end, they will also learn some basic facts about mechanical oscillators. And of course, they will improve their experimental skills. Lesson developed by Tomáš Nečas (Brno)

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Numeracy - Percentages, decimal numbers, measuring, money, content

he teacher introduces a shopping bag with groceries, wallet and shopping list. The assignment for 11-years old pupils is to do the grocery-shopping for dinner for 30 pupils for one night of school camp. After composing the menu, the teacher explains the assignment.

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Acids and bases

Lesson chemistry based on whole task first.

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Biologie: Differentiatie met vakperspectieven.

Per vak zijn specifieke uitwerkingen beschikbaar voor allerlei soorten onderwerpen, vaardigheden en/of benaderingswijzen. In dit katern vind je de praktische uitwerkingen voor Biologie

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Gedifferentieerd onderwijs vak Wiskunde

Per vak zijn specifieke uitwerkingen beschikbaar voor allerlei soorten onderwerpen, vaardigheden en/of benaderingswijzen. In dit katern vind je de praktische uitwerkingen voor Wiskunde

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Social Subjects

Vakperspectieven Management en Organisatie

Onderwijs met de ‘hele-taak-eerst-methode’ sluit aan bij een visie op maatschappijleer waarin het belang van aansluiten op voorkenis, betekenisvolle situaties en integreren van nieuwe kennis wordt benadrukt. Ook is het een didactisch sterke manier om leerlingen de leerdoelen van het nieuwe vak Maatschappijwetenschappen te laten bereiken en geeft veel ruimte voor differentiatie.

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Lesson Social Sciences Stereotypes & Prejudice

Whole Task first lesson, developed at the Vegova Gymnasium in Slovenia, in which students learn about different forms of stereotypes and what they mean in practice. They are invited to find examples from “real life” to install them in the theoretical basis of the theme (lesson developed by Maja Pezdir

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Geschiedenis vakvoorbeelden

Het werken met hele taken en hulp op maat maakt het mogelijk snel goede lessen te ontwerpen vanuit bestaande routine en bestaand materiaal. Het begint met het formuleren van heldere en haalbare leerdoelen. Beginnen met de hele taak zorgt ervoor dat de docent en leerlingen zicht krijgen op de voorkennis vna de leerlingen en dat de leelringen weten waar ze naartoe werken. Dit vergroot de motivatie van de leerlingen, doordat de samenhang van de stof duidelijker wordt en en doordat de leerlingen meer geprikkeld en uitgedaagd worden.

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Management & Organisation - Forms of financing

The teacher chooses a couple of whole tasks which he thinks are appealing for the pupils, and for which they need knowledge of the various forms of long-term loan capital in order to be successful. He brings one of these tasks forward so he can now start his class with one.

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Geography - Zoning Plan

Pupils are asked to design an expansion of their town. They present it in a concise zoning plan. All pupils receive some relevant key figures on their municipality.

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History: Crusades

The teacher shows a clip about the crusaders’ hardships. The teacher asks pupils to think about the people they saw, and what motives they may have had to deal with so much hardship. Next, they are instructed to find as many possible explanations as they can for why these people organized crusades and/or embarked on them.

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SOCIOLOGY - Migratory movements

Whole Task: “Produce a survey of the main migratory movements and reasons for migration from and to The Netherlands and other countries.” The teacher indicates the options of a whole task at basic, average or high level, and that the pupils can work in twos or threes. .

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The differences between countries.

Lesson Worldorientation, knowledge global world for elementary school (10 - 12 years)

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Worldorientation: Differences in the world

Pupils are blindfolded and assigned (in threes) to choose a spot on the globe. This spot is where they were born. They have to describe a day out of their own life, including information about various country aspects (politics, economy, culture, education et cetera.) After this, they have to perform a 5-minute play about this day in their life.

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